Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Life at Purchase College - 671 Words

Life at Purchase College Founded in 1967, Purchase College which is part of the State University of New York (SUNY) network of 64 universities and colleges was founded by Governor Nelson Rockefeller. He envisioned a major publicly funded university system. Purchase would individually combine on one campus, an art school training in the visual and performing arts with programs in the liberal arts and sciences. The site selected was a 500-acre working farm, originally the property of Thomas Thomas, a Revolutionary War hero. Purchase College consists of three different schools: School of the Liberal Arts and Sciences, School of the Arts, and the School of Liberal Studies and Continuing Education. Within those three schools, there are over 40 majors and minors an undergraduate student can study in. For Graduate students there are 7 Majors, Artist Diplomas, and Performers Certificates students can apply to. Purchase College encourages you to submit scores from all test sittings of the SAT, ACT or SAT Subject Tests. However, SAT subject tests are not required for admission. Purchase College evaluates thousands of capable applicants each year for admission, access to your full testing profile allows the admissions counselors to fully and fairly assess each applicant. The Office of Admissions maintains a review process with a focus on the quality of your academic program, your cumulative academic average, your test scores and your supplemental application. Purchase CollegeShow MoreRelatedShould Student Debt Go Beyond?1269 Words   |  6 Pagesmake life easier as opposed to ending education with a high school diploma. With the shortage of career opportunities, jobs are becoming more competitive and most require higher education. College has become necessary and so consequently, it has become more expensive. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

What Makes A Great Speech So Memorable - 1091 Words

What makes a great speech so memorable? Sophie Rice explores with reference to two famous speeches from the last 200 years, The Gettysburg Address and Eulogy for Princess Diana, and the rhetorical techniques used within to portray their messages. As stated by Nathaniel Hawthorne, ‘Words – so innocent and powerless as they are†¦,how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them.’ To this day, perhaps one of the most famous and powerful speeches is Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. Similarly, Earl Spencer’s Eulogy for Princess Diana is an oration whose message can still resonate with you and I today. These speeches are not only well recognised for their context, but noted also for the rhetorical techniques used to effectively portray the speaker’s ideas. On November 19, 1863, Abraham Lincoln delivered one of the most renowned speeches in history. It is remembered by everyone for its brevity, poetic quality and use of technique, which allowed Lincoln to cleverly portray his ideas in only 2 minutes and 272 words. He spoke this four months after the Battle of Gettysburg in the American civil war to dedicate a plot of land to fallen soldiers, to honour their sacrifices and to remind America of the need to live out the principles stated in the American Declaration of Independence. A key technique Lincoln used throughout the Gettysburg Address was inclusive language. He addressed his crowd by ‘Fellow Countrymen,’ which immediatelyShow MoreRelatedThe Gettysburg Address : The Battle Of Gettysburg1332 Words   |  6 PagesThe Gettysburg Address The battle of Gettysburg took place July 1-3, 1863 and has been said to be the turning point of the American Civil War. This war was a battle between the Confederacy and the Union, two countries derived from what we now know as the United States of America. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Pathological Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality

Question: Discuss about the Pathological Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality. Answer: There is a thin line between self-esteem and narcissism .While love and respect for self are inculcated at a tender age, it goes overboard for some. When this happens, the disorder (narcissism) sets in. Individuals seek reaffirmation from available platforms including social media. Narcissism invades all regardless of social status (Brooks, 2016). Narcissism is a phenomenon that was not a main topic of discussion some years back. Those who talked about it were those who were in a mental health profession. It is because it was uncommon and so little was known about it. It has however emerged and can be witnessed in most social settings all over the world. (Virgil Jordan,2013) described narcissism as a disorder whereby an individuals self-love is characterised by arrogance lack of empathy, a sense of entitlement and increase in attention seeking among other selfish traits. A narcissist thinks about themselves and not anybody else. Their presence is conspicuous because whatever they say or do and even put on announces their arrival (Pincus, Lukowitsky, 2010) In the olden days parents inculcated love and respect for their children. Boys were taught that they are the head and should be authoritative. Girls on the other hand were taught to be submissive and to obey. Often time girls were to be seen and not heard. Modernization changed most of the values that were held dear. Both the girls and the boys realised that they needed to be felt. They realized that if certain things were done in a particular way, attention would be assured. Modernization came with advancement in technology. Social platforms such as Facebook and Instagram have provided an opportunity for individuals to continue to portray their narcissism (Gupta Govindarajan, 1996) People who suffer from this disorder are often times conceited, boastful and pretentious. They want to dominate and want to seem to be in charge. In an instance where a conversation is among a group of girls, the narcissist will dominate. She will not give room for other to relay their opinions. They want to seem as the most classic, the most outstanding (Campbell Miller, 2011). They talk about their escapades with some popular kid, talk about the amazing gifts or the new set of make -up kits they were given by their special ones. A severe case of narcissism completely disregards other people. Such an individual tramples down on others (Rhodewalt Peterson, 2009). In a bank where others are queuing, they would demand to be served first. In other extreme cases, narcissists would cause closure social places such as gyms and salon simply because they arrived. Although parents teach their children to embrace self -love and self -worth, it crosses the thin line and these individuals become self-centred considering themselves superior than everybody else. This disorder is not selective of status. All people even the mightiest are not immune to it (Morf Rhodewalt, 2001).To avoid it therefore, people should be careful not to cross the thin line separating the expected level of self-esteem crossing over to narcissism. References Gupta, A.K., and Govindarajan, V. (1996) Determinates of Knowledge Outflows from and Inflows into Foreign Subsidiaries in Multinational Corporations Brooks, A.C. (2016). Narcissism is increasing. So youre not so special. Retrieved from Campbell, W.K and Miller J.D (2011)The Handbook of narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder: Theoretical approaches, empirical findings, and treatments.Hoboken,NJ:Wiley Morf, C.C and Rhodewalt, F(2001) Unravelling the paradoxes of narcissism. A dynamic self-regulatory processing model Psychological Inquiry 12:177-196 Pincus, A.L and LukowitskyM.R (2010)Pathological narcissism and narcissistic personality disorderAnnual Review of Clinical Psychology 6.421-446 Rhodewalt.F and Peterson B (2009) Narcissism in Handbook of Individual differences in social behaviourNew York: Giulford

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Motivation of Employees

Introduction The theory of management emerged in the early 19th century when Henri Fayol, a Frenchman, described management as cooperative integration of various functions in an organization in order to achieve organizational goals.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Motivation of Employees specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In early part of the 20th century, Mary Parker described management as an art of mobilizing people to perform specific tasks that translate into organizational goals (Arthurs Busenitz 2003, p.150). In 1960, Douglas McGregor revolutionized management theory by formulating theories that describe two aspects of management, the X and Y theories. In his theories, McGregor postulated that motivation of employees is central to achieving organizational goals. He recognized that, â€Å"†¦human capital and knowledge are the most important sources of value for the 21st century organization†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Kochan Orlikowski 2009, p.2). This view has greatly changed the management strategies and structures in terms of human resources and technology. Hence, this essay explores literature review regarding the evolution of McGregor’s X and Y theories with the view of analyzing their relevance to the 21st century managers. Theory X Theory X postulates authoritarian style of management, which assumes that employees cannot work effectively and achieve organizational goals unless the management forces them to do so. McGregor posited that â€Å"conventional managerial assumptions of theory X reflect essentially an opposite and negative views namely, that employees are lazy, are incapable of self-direction and autonomous work behavior, have little to offer in terms of organizational problem solving† (Kopelman, Prottas Davis 2008, p.255). Theory X assumes that employees are inherently lazy thus views them as organizational costs that need constant monitoring and control in or der to reduce losses and gain maximum benefits from them.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Another assumption of theory X is that employees cannot utilize their autonomy effectively to benefit organization because they are not responsible; hence, they need proper management to lead them. Further assumption holds that employees are not creative and tend to resist organizational changes that are critical for economic growth. Due to these assumptions, authoritative management is imperative in mobilizing reserved employees. Based on Maslow’s theory, organizations under the management style of theory X rely on the satisfaction of basic needs such as money and other benefits in motivation of their employees. According to Daniels, â€Å"McGregor makes the point that a command and control environment is not effective because it relies on the lower needs as a levers of motivat ion, but in modern society those needs are already satisfied and thus no longer are motivators† (2008, p.11). Management according to theory X exclusively motivates employees using money, which only satisfies the lower human needs leaving higher needs that provide elevated and lasting motivation. Thus, theory X does not give satisfactory motivation to the employees for them to be very productive. Theory Y Theory Y elucidates participative style of management that is very effective in the management of modern mega organizations. The assumptions of this theory are that employees are invaluable resources, effective work involves concerted efforts, integration of technology with social systems enhances work, and delegation of responsibilities is essential in achieving organizational goals. According to the first assumption, human resources are invaluable resources in an organization that need development and motivation. Proper motivation of the employees will enhance their self-es teem and creates conducive environment where working becomes as interesting as playing. In the second assumption, theory Y posits that knowledge-based systems encourage â€Å"†¦high levels of performance that can only be achieved by organizing work in ways that allow workers to utilize and deepen their knowledge and skills, while working collaboratively on multiple, temporary projects to accomplish flexible and innovative operations† (Wubbolding 2002, p.3).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Motivation of Employees specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Coordination of systems in a manner that enhances concerted efforts would expediently lead to the achievements of organizational goals. The third assumption predicts that integration of technology with social systems would significantly change the application of technology in an organization. The effectiveness of technology depends on the integration of human resources and the physical part of technology resulting into viable technology that effectively drives the workforces for the organization to realize its goals. In the fourth assumption, delegation of responsibilities by the top management to the lower management levels enhances productivity in the organization. â€Å"The average man learns, under proper conditions, not only to accept but also to seek responsibility by employing creativity and imaginations in solving organizational problems† (Deming 2007, p.9).This assumption recognizes that employees have abilities that are very crucial in solving impending management problems in that motivation and delegation of responsibilities enhances their participation. Relevance and Value of X-Y Theories Douglas McGregor’s X and Y theories describe contrasting management styles of 20th and 21st centuries respectively. Theory X depicts 20th century style of management that relies heavily on authoritative supervision of employees as this theory assumes that employees are costs that need constant management in order realize organizational goals. Regarding motivation of workers, theory X is very poor since it only depends upon money and other material benefits to satisfy the needs of the employees, which are the lowest needs according to Maslow’s theory. McGinnis warns that, motivation of employees using the lowest human needs is not lasting and effective in enhancing productivity of human resources in an organization (2006, p 22). The X theory is relevance to the 21st managers because it indicates the level of management the organization is employing in the continuum of X-Y management levels. The poorest management style tends to shift towards X while the best management tends to shift towards Y. On the other hand, theory Y describes participative style of management that is very effective in the 21st century. This theory appreciates human labor as invaluable resource that the organization should deve lop and expand through motivation. In terms of motivation, this theory asserts that motivation of employees should entail satisfaction of highest needs according to the Maslow’s theory.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Gosling and Marturano argue that, â€Å"the expenditure of physical and mental efforts in work is as natural as play or rest, and the average human being under proper conditions, learns not only to accept but to seek responsibility† (2003, p. 7). Satisfaction of the highest needs such as self-esteem and self-actualization would motivate employees to be highly productive since work would be enjoyable as play thus enhancing the values of creativity, commitment, and responsibility in employees. Conclusion Management theory has been developing over centuries and managers have been wondering on what type of management style can effectively motivate employees and propel organizations towards achieving their goals. Douglas McGregor formulated X and Y theories that describe contrasting management styles for the managers to perceive their level of management. Theory X postulates that employees are inherently lazy and a form of costs that needs constant supervision for them to work eff ectively for the organization to attain its goals. In contrast, theory Y postulates that employees are integral resources that organizations should always optimize by motivating them. Motivation entails satisfaction of highest human needs, self-esteem and self-actualization as classified in the Maslow’s theory of hierarchy of needs. These theories are relevant to the 21st century managers since they assess their levels of management and predict the performance of their organizations. References Arthurs, D., Busenitz, L., 2003. The Boundaries and Limitations of Agency Theory and Stewardship Theory in the Venture Capitalist/Entrepreneur Relationship. Entrepreneur Theory and Practice, pp. 145-162. Bolden, R., Gosling, J., Marturano, A., 2003. Review of Leadership Theory and Competency Frameworks. Centre for Leadership Studies, pp. 1-44. Available from: Daniels, T., 2008. Douglas McGregor: Theory X and Theory Y. Journal of Human  Resource s Management, pp. 1-25. Deming, W., 2007. Total Quality Management: Explanation of the Fourteen Points of Management. Organizational Management Level, pp. 1-11. Web. Kochan, T., Orlikowski, W., 2009. Beyond McGregor’s Theory Y: Human Capital and Knowledge in the 21st Century Organization. Human Resource Development Journal, pp. 1-24. Kopelman, R., Prottas, D., Davis, A., 2008. Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Y: Toward a Construct-valid Measure. Journal of Managerial Issues, 20(2), pp. 255-272. McGinnis, S., 2006. Organizational Behavior and Management Thinking.  Organization Management Journal, pp.37-57. Wubbolding, R., 2002. Employee motivation. Quality Management of Employees, pp. 1-6. This essay on Motivation of Employees was written and submitted by user Maleah Cox to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.