Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Life at Purchase College - 671 Words

Life at Purchase College Founded in 1967, Purchase College which is part of the State University of New York (SUNY) network of 64 universities and colleges was founded by Governor Nelson Rockefeller. He envisioned a major publicly funded university system. Purchase would individually combine on one campus, an art school training in the visual and performing arts with programs in the liberal arts and sciences. The site selected was a 500-acre working farm, originally the property of Thomas Thomas, a Revolutionary War hero. Purchase College consists of three different schools: School of the Liberal Arts and Sciences, School of the Arts, and the School of Liberal Studies and Continuing Education. Within those three schools, there are over 40 majors and minors an undergraduate student can study in. For Graduate students there are 7 Majors, Artist Diplomas, and Performers Certificates students can apply to. Purchase College encourages you to submit scores from all test sittings of the SAT, ACT or SAT Subject Tests. However, SAT subject tests are not required for admission. Purchase College evaluates thousands of capable applicants each year for admission, access to your full testing profile allows the admissions counselors to fully and fairly assess each applicant. The Office of Admissions maintains a review process with a focus on the quality of your academic program, your cumulative academic average, your test scores and your supplemental application. Purchase CollegeShow MoreRelatedShould Student Debt Go Beyond?1269 Words   |  6 Pagesmake life easier as opposed to ending education with a high school diploma. With the shortage of career opportunities, jobs are becoming more competitive and most require higher education. College has become necessary and so consequently, it has become more expensive. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

What Makes A Great Speech So Memorable - 1091 Words

What makes a great speech so memorable? Sophie Rice explores with reference to two famous speeches from the last 200 years, The Gettysburg Address and Eulogy for Princess Diana, and the rhetorical techniques used within to portray their messages. As stated by Nathaniel Hawthorne, ‘Words – so innocent and powerless as they are†¦,how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them.’ To this day, perhaps one of the most famous and powerful speeches is Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. Similarly, Earl Spencer’s Eulogy for Princess Diana is an oration whose message can still resonate with you and I today. These speeches are not only well recognised for their context, but noted also for the rhetorical techniques used to effectively portray the speaker’s ideas. On November 19, 1863, Abraham Lincoln delivered one of the most renowned speeches in history. It is remembered by everyone for its brevity, poetic quality and use of technique, which allowed Lincoln to cleverly portray his ideas in only 2 minutes and 272 words. He spoke this four months after the Battle of Gettysburg in the American civil war to dedicate a plot of land to fallen soldiers, to honour their sacrifices and to remind America of the need to live out the principles stated in the American Declaration of Independence. A key technique Lincoln used throughout the Gettysburg Address was inclusive language. He addressed his crowd by ‘Fellow Countrymen,’ which immediatelyShow MoreRelatedThe Gettysburg Address : The Battle Of Gettysburg1332 Words   |  6 PagesThe Gettysburg Address The battle of Gettysburg took place July 1-3, 1863 and has been said to be the turning point of the American Civil War. This war was a battle between the Confederacy and the Union, two countries derived from what we now know as the United States of America. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Pathological Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality

Question: Discuss about the Pathological Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality. Answer: There is a thin line between self-esteem and narcissism .While love and respect for self are inculcated at a tender age, it goes overboard for some. When this happens, the disorder (narcissism) sets in. Individuals seek reaffirmation from available platforms including social media. Narcissism invades all regardless of social status (Brooks, 2016). Narcissism is a phenomenon that was not a main topic of discussion some years back. Those who talked about it were those who were in a mental health profession. It is because it was uncommon and so little was known about it. It has however emerged and can be witnessed in most social settings all over the world. (Virgil Jordan,2013) described narcissism as a disorder whereby an individuals self-love is characterised by arrogance lack of empathy, a sense of entitlement and increase in attention seeking among other selfish traits. A narcissist thinks about themselves and not anybody else. Their presence is conspicuous because whatever they say or do and even put on announces their arrival (Pincus, Lukowitsky, 2010) In the olden days parents inculcated love and respect for their children. Boys were taught that they are the head and should be authoritative. Girls on the other hand were taught to be submissive and to obey. Often time girls were to be seen and not heard. Modernization changed most of the values that were held dear. Both the girls and the boys realised that they needed to be felt. They realized that if certain things were done in a particular way, attention would be assured. Modernization came with advancement in technology. Social platforms such as Facebook and Instagram have provided an opportunity for individuals to continue to portray their narcissism (Gupta Govindarajan, 1996) People who suffer from this disorder are often times conceited, boastful and pretentious. They want to dominate and want to seem to be in charge. In an instance where a conversation is among a group of girls, the narcissist will dominate. She will not give room for other to relay their opinions. They want to seem as the most classic, the most outstanding (Campbell Miller, 2011). They talk about their escapades with some popular kid, talk about the amazing gifts or the new set of make -up kits they were given by their special ones. A severe case of narcissism completely disregards other people. Such an individual tramples down on others (Rhodewalt Peterson, 2009). In a bank where others are queuing, they would demand to be served first. In other extreme cases, narcissists would cause closure social places such as gyms and salon simply because they arrived. Although parents teach their children to embrace self -love and self -worth, it crosses the thin line and these individuals become self-centred considering themselves superior than everybody else. This disorder is not selective of status. All people even the mightiest are not immune to it (Morf Rhodewalt, 2001).To avoid it therefore, people should be careful not to cross the thin line separating the expected level of self-esteem crossing over to narcissism. References Gupta, A.K., and Govindarajan, V. (1996) Determinates of Knowledge Outflows from and Inflows into Foreign Subsidiaries in Multinational Corporations Brooks, A.C. (2016). Narcissism is increasing. So youre not so special. Retrieved from Campbell, W.K and Miller J.D (2011)The Handbook of narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder: Theoretical approaches, empirical findings, and treatments.Hoboken,NJ:Wiley Morf, C.C and Rhodewalt, F(2001) Unravelling the paradoxes of narcissism. A dynamic self-regulatory processing model Psychological Inquiry 12:177-196 Pincus, A.L and LukowitskyM.R (2010)Pathological narcissism and narcissistic personality disorderAnnual Review of Clinical Psychology 6.421-446 Rhodewalt.F and Peterson B (2009) Narcissism in Handbook of Individual differences in social behaviourNew York: Giulford

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Motivation of Employees

Introduction The theory of management emerged in the early 19th century when Henri Fayol, a Frenchman, described management as cooperative integration of various functions in an organization in order to achieve organizational goals.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Motivation of Employees specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In early part of the 20th century, Mary Parker described management as an art of mobilizing people to perform specific tasks that translate into organizational goals (Arthurs Busenitz 2003, p.150). In 1960, Douglas McGregor revolutionized management theory by formulating theories that describe two aspects of management, the X and Y theories. In his theories, McGregor postulated that motivation of employees is central to achieving organizational goals. He recognized that, â€Å"†¦human capital and knowledge are the most important sources of value for the 21st century organization†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Kochan Orlikowski 2009, p.2). This view has greatly changed the management strategies and structures in terms of human resources and technology. Hence, this essay explores literature review regarding the evolution of McGregor’s X and Y theories with the view of analyzing their relevance to the 21st century managers. Theory X Theory X postulates authoritarian style of management, which assumes that employees cannot work effectively and achieve organizational goals unless the management forces them to do so. McGregor posited that â€Å"conventional managerial assumptions of theory X reflect essentially an opposite and negative views namely, that employees are lazy, are incapable of self-direction and autonomous work behavior, have little to offer in terms of organizational problem solving† (Kopelman, Prottas Davis 2008, p.255). Theory X assumes that employees are inherently lazy thus views them as organizational costs that need constant monitoring and control in or der to reduce losses and gain maximum benefits from them.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Another assumption of theory X is that employees cannot utilize their autonomy effectively to benefit organization because they are not responsible; hence, they need proper management to lead them. Further assumption holds that employees are not creative and tend to resist organizational changes that are critical for economic growth. Due to these assumptions, authoritative management is imperative in mobilizing reserved employees. Based on Maslow’s theory, organizations under the management style of theory X rely on the satisfaction of basic needs such as money and other benefits in motivation of their employees. According to Daniels, â€Å"McGregor makes the point that a command and control environment is not effective because it relies on the lower needs as a levers of motivat ion, but in modern society those needs are already satisfied and thus no longer are motivators† (2008, p.11). Management according to theory X exclusively motivates employees using money, which only satisfies the lower human needs leaving higher needs that provide elevated and lasting motivation. Thus, theory X does not give satisfactory motivation to the employees for them to be very productive. Theory Y Theory Y elucidates participative style of management that is very effective in the management of modern mega organizations. The assumptions of this theory are that employees are invaluable resources, effective work involves concerted efforts, integration of technology with social systems enhances work, and delegation of responsibilities is essential in achieving organizational goals. According to the first assumption, human resources are invaluable resources in an organization that need development and motivation. Proper motivation of the employees will enhance their self-es teem and creates conducive environment where working becomes as interesting as playing. In the second assumption, theory Y posits that knowledge-based systems encourage â€Å"†¦high levels of performance that can only be achieved by organizing work in ways that allow workers to utilize and deepen their knowledge and skills, while working collaboratively on multiple, temporary projects to accomplish flexible and innovative operations† (Wubbolding 2002, p.3).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Motivation of Employees specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Coordination of systems in a manner that enhances concerted efforts would expediently lead to the achievements of organizational goals. The third assumption predicts that integration of technology with social systems would significantly change the application of technology in an organization. The effectiveness of technology depends on the integration of human resources and the physical part of technology resulting into viable technology that effectively drives the workforces for the organization to realize its goals. In the fourth assumption, delegation of responsibilities by the top management to the lower management levels enhances productivity in the organization. â€Å"The average man learns, under proper conditions, not only to accept but also to seek responsibility by employing creativity and imaginations in solving organizational problems† (Deming 2007, p.9).This assumption recognizes that employees have abilities that are very crucial in solving impending management problems in that motivation and delegation of responsibilities enhances their participation. Relevance and Value of X-Y Theories Douglas McGregor’s X and Y theories describe contrasting management styles of 20th and 21st centuries respectively. Theory X depicts 20th century style of management that relies heavily on authoritative supervision of employees as this theory assumes that employees are costs that need constant management in order realize organizational goals. Regarding motivation of workers, theory X is very poor since it only depends upon money and other material benefits to satisfy the needs of the employees, which are the lowest needs according to Maslow’s theory. McGinnis warns that, motivation of employees using the lowest human needs is not lasting and effective in enhancing productivity of human resources in an organization (2006, p 22). The X theory is relevance to the 21st managers because it indicates the level of management the organization is employing in the continuum of X-Y management levels. The poorest management style tends to shift towards X while the best management tends to shift towards Y. On the other hand, theory Y describes participative style of management that is very effective in the 21st century. This theory appreciates human labor as invaluable resource that the organization should deve lop and expand through motivation. In terms of motivation, this theory asserts that motivation of employees should entail satisfaction of highest needs according to the Maslow’s theory.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Gosling and Marturano argue that, â€Å"the expenditure of physical and mental efforts in work is as natural as play or rest, and the average human being under proper conditions, learns not only to accept but to seek responsibility† (2003, p. 7). Satisfaction of the highest needs such as self-esteem and self-actualization would motivate employees to be highly productive since work would be enjoyable as play thus enhancing the values of creativity, commitment, and responsibility in employees. Conclusion Management theory has been developing over centuries and managers have been wondering on what type of management style can effectively motivate employees and propel organizations towards achieving their goals. Douglas McGregor formulated X and Y theories that describe contrasting management styles for the managers to perceive their level of management. Theory X postulates that employees are inherently lazy and a form of costs that needs constant supervision for them to work eff ectively for the organization to attain its goals. In contrast, theory Y postulates that employees are integral resources that organizations should always optimize by motivating them. Motivation entails satisfaction of highest human needs, self-esteem and self-actualization as classified in the Maslow’s theory of hierarchy of needs. These theories are relevant to the 21st century managers since they assess their levels of management and predict the performance of their organizations. References Arthurs, D., Busenitz, L., 2003. The Boundaries and Limitations of Agency Theory and Stewardship Theory in the Venture Capitalist/Entrepreneur Relationship. Entrepreneur Theory and Practice, pp. 145-162. Bolden, R., Gosling, J., Marturano, A., 2003. Review of Leadership Theory and Competency Frameworks. Centre for Leadership Studies, pp. 1-44. Available from: Daniels, T., 2008. Douglas McGregor: Theory X and Theory Y. Journal of Human  Resource s Management, pp. 1-25. Deming, W., 2007. Total Quality Management: Explanation of the Fourteen Points of Management. Organizational Management Level, pp. 1-11. Web. Kochan, T., Orlikowski, W., 2009. Beyond McGregor’s Theory Y: Human Capital and Knowledge in the 21st Century Organization. Human Resource Development Journal, pp. 1-24. Kopelman, R., Prottas, D., Davis, A., 2008. Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Y: Toward a Construct-valid Measure. Journal of Managerial Issues, 20(2), pp. 255-272. McGinnis, S., 2006. Organizational Behavior and Management Thinking.  Organization Management Journal, pp.37-57. Wubbolding, R., 2002. Employee motivation. Quality Management of Employees, pp. 1-6. This essay on Motivation of Employees was written and submitted by user Maleah Cox to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Not Only in the Ghetto Professor Ramos Blog

Not Only in the Ghetto Our story begins on the 5th of May in 2004 a day of celebration for many Hispanic cultures, known as Cinco De Mayo. I was getting dropped off at Rialto Middle School for school that day. I get out of the car say bye to my mom and I walk onto campus. I turned the corner to get to my class and all I can see is a massive group of Hispanic students at my school marching across the field holding up their nation’s flags. On the other side of the field there was a nearly identical scene, except it was the African American students at the school. Next thing you know, there are fights going on throughout the school. Me being white, didn’t pick a side but I did think to myself â€Å"only in the ghetto†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ or so I thought. For a good portion of my childhood I lived in Rialto and experienced racial confrontations like the story I told you, it was almost always African American against Hispanic people no matter the cause. I had friends of all races, so I always tried to steer clear of the drama. I grew up in a city where there were very few white people and most of my life I was one of a few white kids in class or even the school for that matter. I just thought that it was how California was. When I was 13, my parents decided to move. The area they decided to move to was known as the High Desert. This was an area about 30 to 45 minutes north of Rialto that had a relatively low population. The town they found a house in is named Phelan and it has a population made up of mostly white people. My parents had told us about the demographic change before we moved. Me and my brothers were dreading it, we grew up around non-white people and did not know what to expect. We thought it would be like on TV where they would all be nerdy lame kids. I can tell you now that I was sure wrong about that. Soon enough, we were all moved in and I started going to school in Phelan. It was very weird to me going to a school full of white people. Everything was different, the clothing style, the language terms, the way kids acted, what they were into and much more. No one in Phelan was trying to be â€Å"gangster† like the kids in Rialto. Instead of wearing baggy clothes and Proclub T-Shirts, the kids wore long black songs Dickies shorts and Metal Mulisha shirts. It was the â€Å"bro† style. These white people just wanted to ride dirt bikes and go camping. I never did any of that, so I felt like an alien on a new world. Regardless of all my differences I started to quickly make friends. I learned that a lot of the kids I met were very racist against non-white people. A few years pass and now I am in high school. I have become popular and my interests have completely changed. I no longer was wearing baggy clothing and dressed more like a â€Å"bro† gangster hybrid. The kids who used to ask me â€Å"why do you act black?† or â€Å"why do you act Mexican† no longer asked me that. Shit, I even got a lot of my friends into wearing Pro Club T-Shirts that were to baggy, I mean hey they are cheap plain colored shirts that are thick. Why not right? At this point, I was a just another white kid who loved dirt bikes and camping. I did learn some things about the white kids I became friends with. They loved to party and fight. My friends and I were also not very interested in school and we screwed around a lot and got in a lot of trouble. There was always drama brewing. In 10th grade there was a large influx of African American students in my high school soon enough there was racial fights. These fights literally only happened because of race. Many of the white participants were my friends, but I did not get involved because I am not racist. I kept this going for a long time. Things continued to get worse and worse. There was fights almost every day, frequent outburst between the groups of people and general chaos at school. We had police stationed at the school during the day now, and not just one or 2. Usually about 5 or 6. Eventually I got to relive an almost identical scene to the one I told you about in the beginning of my story, but this time I was forced to be involved. It was another day at school, it was lunch time. Me and my friends were just sitting there when a colored chick decided to start a fight with one of the women in our group. This fight quickly escalated and soon enough there was about 30 white people and 30 black people in groups getting ready to fight each other. We were all (yes, we are including me) were shouting obscenities to each other egging each other on and quick frankly being really terrible kids. Next thing you know it was a full-on riot. There were fights everywhere. It was on of the craziest things I’ve ever seen in my life. So here I was about 5 years later then then first time I seen a school riot. I remember thinking; â€Å"I thought this only happened in the ghetto, but I guess not only in the ghetto†. I learned that everywhere you go you will see diversity. Sometimes it can be good, but there are those cases where it can be bad. The kids I made friends with were not used to seeing people of color in the ir schools, and it turned into a riot. I look back on it now and I still think it is crazy that I went from a white kid growing up in Rialto thinking that white people are near extinct to moving to an area full of white people and seeing how different they are from people who grow up in areas that aren’t predominantly white.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Biography of Mao Zedong, Father of Modern China

Biography of Mao Zedong, Father of Modern China Mao Zedong (Dec. 26, 1893–Sept. 9, 1976), the father of modern China, is not only remembered for his impact on Chinese society and culture but for his global influence, including on political revolutionaries in the United States and the Western world in the 1960s and 1970s.  He is widely considered one of the most prominent communist theoreticians. He was also known as a great poet. Fast Facts: Mao Zedong Known For: Founding father  of the  Peoples Republic of China, ruling the country as Chairman of the Communist Party of China  from 1949 until 1976Also Known As: Mao Tse Tung, Mao Zedong, Chairman MaoBorn: Dec. 26, 1893 in Shaoshan, Hunan Province, ChinaParents: Mao Yichang, Wen QimeiDied: Sept. 9, 1976  in Beijing,  Peoples Republic of ChinaPublished Works: The Warlords Clash (poem, 1929), The Tasks of the Communist Party in the Period of Resistance to Japan (1937), Maos Little Red Book (1964–1976)Spouse(s): Luo Yixiu, Yang Kaihui, He Zizhen, Jiang QingChildren: Mao Anying, Mao Anqing, Mao Anlong, Yang Yuehua, Li Min, Li NaNotable Quote: Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed. Early Life On Dec. 26, 1893, a son was born to the Mao family, wealthy farmers in Shaoshan, Hunan Province, China. They named the boy Mao Zedong. The child studied Confucian classics at the village school for five years  but left at the age of 13 to help out full-time on the farm. Rebellious and probably spoiled, young Mao had been expelled from several schools and even ran away from home for several days. In 1907, Maos father arranged a marriage for his 14-year-old son. Mao refused to acknowledge his 20-year-old bride, even after she moved into the family home. Education and Introduction to Marxism Mao moved to Changsha, the capital of Hunan Province, to continue his education. He spent six months in 1911 and 1912 as a soldier in the barracks at Changsha, during the revolution that overthrew the Qing Dynasty. Mao called for Sun Yatsen to be president and cut off his long braid of hair (queue), a sign of anti-Manchu revolt. Between 1913 and 1918, Mao studied at the Teachers Training School, where he began to embrace ever more revolutionary ideas. He was fascinated by the 1917 Russian Revolution, and by the 4th century BCE Chinese philosophy called Legalism. After graduation, Mao followed his professor Yang Changji to Beijing, where he took a job at the Beijing University library. His supervisor, Li Dazhao, was a co-founder of the Chinese Communist Party and greatly influenced Maos developing revolutionary ideas. Gathering Power In 1920 Mao married Yang Kaihui, the daughter of his professor, despite his earlier marriage. He read a translation of The Communist Manifesto that year  and became a committed Marxist. Six years later, the Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang, under Chiang Kai-shek massacred at least 5,000 communists in Shanghai. This was the start of Chinas Civil War. That fall, Mao led the Autumn Harvest Uprising in Changsha against the Kuomintang (KMT). The KMT crushed Maos peasant army, killing 90% of them and forcing the survivors out into the countryside, where they rallied more peasants to their cause. In June  1928, the KMT took Beijing and was recognized as the official government of China by foreign powers. Mao and the Communists continued to set up peasant Soviets in the southern Hunan and Jiangxi Provinces, however. He was laying the foundations of Maoism. The Chinese Civil War A local warlord in Changsha captured Maos wife, Yang Kaihui, and one of their sons in October 1930. She refused to denounce communism, so the warlord had her beheaded in front of her 8-year-old son. Mao had married a third wife, He Zizhen, in May of that year. In 1931, Mao was elected chairman of the Soviet Republic of China, in Jiangxi Province. Mao ordered a reign of terror against landlords; perhaps more than 200,000 were tortured and killed. His Red Army, made up mostly of poorly armed but fanatical peasants, numbered 45,000. Under increasing KMT pressure, Mao was demoted from his leadership role. Chiang Kai-sheks troops surrounded the Red Army in the mountains of Jiangxi, forcing them to make a desperate escape in 1934. The Long March and Japanese Occupation About 85,000 Red Army troops and followers retreated from Jiangxi  and started walking the 6,000-kilometer arc to the northern province of Shaanxi. Beset by freezing weather, dangerous mountain paths, unbridged rivers, and attacks by warlords and the KMT, only 7,000 of the communists made it to Shaanxi in 1936. This Long March cemented Mao Zedongs position as leader of the Chinese communists. He was able to rally the troops despite their dire situation. In 1937, Japan invaded China. The Chinese Communists and the KMT halted their civil war to meet this new threat, which lasted through Japans 1945 defeat in World War II. Japan captured Beijing and the Chinese coast, but never occupied the interior. Both of Chinas armies fought on; the communists guerrilla tactics were particularly effective. Meanwhile, in 1938, Mao divorced He Zizhen and married the actress Jiang Qing, later known as Madame Mao. Civil War Resumes and the Founding of the PRC Even as he led the fight against the Japanese, Mao was planning to seize power from his erstwhile allies, the KMT. Mao codified his ideas in a number of pamphlets, including On Guerrilla Warfare and On Protracted War. In 1944, the United States sent the Dixie Mission to meet Mao and the communists; the Americans found the communists better organized and less corrupt than the KMT, which had been receiving western support. After World War II ended, the Chinese armies started to fight again in earnest. The turning point was the 1948 Siege of Changchun, in which the Red Army, now called the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA), defeated the Kuomintangs army in Changchun, Jilin Province. By October 1, 1949, Mao felt confident enough to declare the establishment of the Peoples Republic of China. On December 10, the PLA besieged the final KMT stronghold at Chengdu, Sichuan. On that day, Chiang Kai-shek and other KMT officials fled the mainland for Taiwan. Five Year Plan and the Great Leap Forward From his new home next to the Forbidden City, Mao directed radical reforms in China. Landlords were executed, perhaps as many as 2-5 million across the country, and their land was redistributed to poor peasants. Maos Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries claimed at least 800,000 additional lives, mostly former KMT members, intellectuals, and businessmen. In the Three-Anti/Five-Anti Campaigns of 1951-52, Mao directed the targeting of wealthy people and suspected capitalists, who were subjected to public struggle sessions. Many who survived the initial beatings and humiliation later committed suicide. Between 1953 and 1958, Mao launched the First Five-Year Plan, intending to make China an industrial power. Buoyed by his initial success, Chairman Mao launched the Second Five-Year Plan, called the Great Leap Forward, in January 1958. He urged farmers to smelt iron in their yards, rather than tending the crops. The results were disastrous; an estimated 30-40 million Chinese starved in the Great Famine of 1958-60. Foreign Policies Shortly after Mao took power in China, he sent the Peoples Volunteer Army into the Korean War to fight alongside the North Koreans against the South Koreans and United Nations forces. The PVA saved Kim Il-Sungs army from being overrun, resulting in a stalemate that continues to this day. In 1951, Mao also sent the PLA into Tibet to liberate it from the Dalai Lamas rule. By 1959, Chinas relationship with the Soviet Union had deteriorated markedly. The two communist powers disagreed on the wisdom of the Great Leap Forward, Chinas nuclear ambitions, and the brewing Sino-Indian War (1962). By 1962, China and the USSR had cut off relations with one another in the Sino-Soviet Split. Fall From Grace In January 1962, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) held a Conference of the Seven Thousand in Beijing. Conference chair Liu Shaoqi harshly criticized the Great Leap Forward, and by implication, Mao Zedong. Mao was pushed aside within the internal power structure of the CCP; moderate pragmatists Liu and Deng Xiaoping freed the peasants from communes and imported wheat from Australia and Canada to feed the famine survivors. For several years, Mao served only as a figurehead in the Chinese government. He spent that time plotting a return to power and revenge on Liu and Deng. Mao would use the specter of capitalist tendencies among the powerful, as well as the might and credulity of young people, to take power once again. The Cultural Revolution In August 1966, the 73-year-old Mao made a speech at the Plenum of the Communist Central Committee. He called for the youth of the country to take back the revolution from the rightists. These young Red Guards would do the dirty work in Maos Cultural Revolution, destroying the Four Olds- old customs, old culture, old habits, and old ideas. Even a tea-room owner like President Hu Jintaos father could be targeted as a capitalist. While the nations students were busily destroying ancient artwork and texts, burning temples and beating intellectuals to death, Mao managed to purge both Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping from the partys leadership. Liu died under horrific circumstances in prison; Deng was exiled to work in a rural tractor factory, and his son was thrown from a fourth-story window and paralyzed by Red Guards. In 1969, Mao declared the Cultural Revolution complete, although it continued through his death in 1976. Later phases were directed by Jiang Qing (Madame Mao) and her cronies, known as the Gang of Four. Failing Health and Death Throughout the 1970s, Maos health steadily deteriorated. He may have been suffering from Parkinsons disease or ALS (Lou Gehrigs disease), in addition to heart and lung trouble brought on by a lifetime of smoking. By July 1976 when the country was in crisis due to the Great Tangshan Earthquake, the 82-year-old Mao was confined to a hospital bed in Beijing. He suffered two major heart attacks early in September, and died September 9, 1976, after being removed from life support. Legacy After Maos death, the moderate pragmatist branch of the Chinese Communist Party took power and ousted the leftist revolutionaries. Deng Xiaoping, now thoroughly rehabilitated, led the country toward an economic policy of capitalist-style growth and export wealth. Madame Mao and the other Gang of Four members were arrested and tried, essentially for all of the crimes associated with the Cultural Revolution. Maos legacy today is a complicated one. He is known as the Founding Father of Modern China, and serves to inspire 21st-century rebellions like the Nepali and Indian Maoist movements. On the other hand, his leadership caused more deaths among his own people than that of Joseph Stalin or Adolph Hitler. Within the Chinese Communist Party under Deng, Mao was declared to be 70% correct in his policies. However, Deng also said that the Great Famine was 30% natural disaster, 70% human error. Nonetheless, Mao Thought continues to guide policies to this day. Sources Clements, Jonathan. Mao Zedong: Life and Times, London: Haus Publishing, 2006.Short, Philip. Mao: A Life, New York: Macmillan, 2001.Terrill, Ross. Mao: A Biography, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Innovation and Process Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Innovation and Process - Research Paper Example It is also important that the organization understands the preferences and needs of its clients. This will help the organization produce a better strategy since they are aware of what their clients expect from them. Another crucial phase of innovation involves the establishment of relationships between an organization and its clients. Customers who have pleasant experiences at a store, for example, have high chances of coming back, as well as telling others about it. Customer retention is less costly than attracting new ones, which will impact on the organization. Yet another crucial phase involves the organization engaging in service recovery and continuous improvement. In the event of errors, the company has to be armed with a recovery plan that ensures the effect on the customer is minimal. Finally, the organization must seek out customer feedback regarding their products and ways to improve on them (Richards 2012). Kmart, as an organization, has struggled to remain competitive; nonetheless, it is in dire need of innovation and change. In this case, Kmart would benefit from applying the basic phases of innovation as a process. They could begin by strengthening relationships with their custom ers, which should give them information on what their customers’ preferences. This information can be collated by means of surveys, for example, during customer appreciation days. This, in turn, will be an advantage when segmenting their customer base and in enabling them to strategize on advertising and marketing. Finally, innovation should aid Kmart in a re-branding strategy that will give them a fresh start. To achieve their goals, Kmart will obviously have to employ innovative tools and techniques. One of these techniques is collaboration, whereby an individual comes up with an idea, which can then be created on by the team. To do this, Kmart requires brainstorming sessions for the team ideas. Refined ideas

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Developing organizational guidelines for ethics and IT Essay

Developing organizational guidelines for ethics and IT - Essay Example The company is also staffed with highly talented IT professional ranging from system analysts, network designers and developers. The company has however entrusted each and every member with access to all servers including the main server, owing to the nature of practice. As such, it is important that a code of ethics has to be maintained if the company is to remain in operation and continue to render its services to the clients. Other sources of vulnerability to the system emanates from the nature of services that the company provides in that, some of the users need to access our databases remotely using Internet Information Server (IIS) while the members of staff use the intranet (Tavani, 2004). To implement this, the company shall monitor the networks and in case anyone is found to have violated the code of ethics. Severe measures shall follow. For the first time violators, a written warning shall be accorded after which a dismissal shall follow in the subsequent

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Value of Pop Culture Essay Example for Free

Value of Pop Culture Essay Jim and Pam got married, Ke$ha brushes her teeth with whiskey, and Lady Gaga ponders if we are actually born predisposed to be weird. No matter where you look, we are surrounded by pop culture. Popular culture is a sub-culture that is often mocked and scrutinized as not being meaningful or significant, pop culture is seen as what is considered â€Å"cool† at the moment in time, and carries no long-term effects on society or culture as a whole. Emile Durkheim once said â€Å"For Sociology really to be a science of things, the generality of phenomena must be taken as the criterion of their normality. In the same book, He argues for the functions of crime in society, I believe that these functions are the same functions that popular culture has in society. In brief, these functions are to produce social norms, establish social boundaries, create rituals that generate social solidarity, generate innovation, and pave the way for social change. It is important to identify what â€Å"pop culture† is identified as, seeing as how it can be used in several different ways. When I refer to pop culture, I mean so in the commercial culture sense. Commercial culture produces a product in order to generate a profit. Allow us first to examine the way popular culture produces social norms. In the book The Dominant Ideology Thesis, the authors argue that mass media is the key by which ideas of the dominant class is spread to the rest of society. I believe this view is crucial to understanding how popular culture produces social norms. For example, let’s use what we wear as a way to show how social norms are produce. The fashion industry tells us what to wear in magazines and advertisements, these norms are reinforced over and over again by television, actors, film, musicians, and celebrities who embrace the fashion trends. Stores begin to only sell a certain type of clothing, and it becomes increasingly more difficult to not conform to the fashion norm. Popular culture is not limited only to the fashion world in terms of the norms it produces, it is impossible to go through a checkout at the store and not be bombarded by magazines that share what type of sexual practices are not acceptable, what type of music is on the rise, and even what type of foods we should eat. Even children are being conditioned to behave a certain way thanks to programming such as Sesame Street and Barney. In addition to producing social norms, popular culture also helps us establish social boundaries. The music we listen to, along with the clothes we wear and the television we watch not only helps to shape our identities but also helps us find those people more like ourselves. It is because of the rise in popular culture that we are able to embrace certain musical tastes and reject others, allowing us to find others who share the same likes and dislikes as ourselves. People who listen to Metallica probably don’t have much in common with those people who listen to Miley Cyrus. Pop culture offers us a unique system to identify those who are like us, this is seen more obviously in the pornography business. The internet has normalized amateur pornography to the point where there is an unjustifiable amount of naked people on the internet, most of whom clearly (and I mean clearly! ) do so for non-profit. Perhaps the easiest aspect of popular culture to observe is the rituals that it creates. Teenagers are brought together through dance clubs, college students come together to view television events, comic book fans wait in line hours to see a new movie. All these rituals produce feelings of belonging, bonding with members of society over a common interest. The super bowl for example is a multibillion dollar affair because of the fact that millions of people from all demographics will sit down and watch the game for three hours. Going to a concert gives you a since of social solidarity, singing along to a song in unison with fifteen-thousand other people creates close social bonds†¦ even if you hardly know anyone else at the concert. They share a sense of meaning in their identity; this shared meaning is the basis of group solidarity. According to Durkheim, it is solidarity that is the basic building block of social cohesion. Popular Culture has also helped to generate innovations that have no only progressed itself, but all of culture. Obviously the most important area that popular culture has helped progress is clearly the internet. The World Wide Web has progressed and is driven by what could be considered the largest are of pop culture, pornography. I suspect that pornography hasn’t exactly helped the advancement of civilization, but it has helped the advancement of technology greatly. The development of broadband internet, streaming videos online, high definition quality pictures, all came to be as a result of the pornography business. Of course innovation isn’t held strictly by the adult entertainment business; another huge industry spurred by pop culture is the music industry, specifically the way we listen and buy music. Before 1999, and the invention of Napster, the internet was not a medium that many in the music industry embraced†¦ and it wasn’t until Napster exploited the lack of regulation over the internet that big music corporations saw the advantages of using the internet as a means to spread their product to a whole new audience. Before, the customer had to venture to a record store and sort through hundreds of albums in order to find a new type of music or band to listen too, now it can be accomplished with a quick Google search. The film industry has also been touched by the advancement that pop culture has allowed. With companies such as Netflix set up to combine movies with the internet, and the invention of the DVD, thousands of films are at our disposal and all with crystal clear clarity. Arguably the most important function that popular culture serves in our society is that it paves the road to social change, numerous times it is actually the driving force behind social change. This can be seen all the way back to 1906 when Upton Sinclair’s book The Jungle helped lead to a revolution of the food industry in America. We can see this clearly most recently with the sudden involvement of celebrities who got involved in the 2008 presidential election, primarily in Barack Obama’s campaign. Robert DeNiro, Oprah Winfrey, Usher, Chris Rock, Scarlett Johansson, Ron Howard, Magic Johnson, and John Mayer are just a few of the actors/athletes/comedians/musicians that are linked with Obama. It is no surprise that Obama won the 2008 presidential election in a landslide. Companies have long known the effect that celebrities have on America and have used them to push products. We are seeing this again with the involvement of such celebrities as Lady Gaga in the Gay Rights movement. Rap music is a great example of a group inside of pop culture which constantly challenges the social norms and the power structure of the white majority. It is clear that popular culture serves many functions in society, many of which are shared by crime. These functions include producing social norms, establishing social boundaries, creating rituals that generate social solidarity, generating innovation, and paving the way for social change. We cannot simply push pop culture off to the side as low-brow culture and has no significance.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Ribbon :: English Literature Essays

Ribbon There once was a ribbon. Her name was Ribbon, as plain as the decorative object that she was. Ribbon was very vain and liked to get up every morning from her place in the sewing basket full of odds and ends. Every morning, she would look into the small pink hand mirror that would be lying beside her in the sewing basket. She would see the cutest, most beautiful face in the whole world every morning and was delighted. Then Ribbon would reluctantly stop admiring herself and would begin to get ready for the day ahead of her. Ribbon was a blend of deep blue and light purple. She had sparkly pink edges and felt like China’s best silk when she twirled across your hand. Ribbon usually would be in good spirits everyday, but there was somebody she loathed. Her name was Scissors and liked to tease Ribbon about her extravagant looks. Scissors would say, â€Å"Ribbon, you should start being like me. I am everyone’s role model. I can take care of myself with these strong, but fashionable, blades†¦unlike your limp, weak material. Also my eyes are so big I can see everything!† â€Å"Yeah, but too bad you can’t see that I look better than you even if I can’t protect myself you oversized piece of scrap metal!†, Ribbon would snap back. Ribbon would get so angry, she would turn a bright red all over and start arguing or crying. That day, this sort of feud happened between the two again and the whole sewing basket complained of the racket. Oddball the ragged string would come out of his little pile of odds and ends to yell back at Ribbon and Scissors to â€Å"shut up.† Oddball complained, â€Å"I’m working on deciphering a code in this map I found the other day. Stop bothering me, or u two will regret it.† Then Ribbon became curious, stopped babbling, and asked, â€Å"What map? Is it the one that the kids found yesterday? Is your map the one that the kids put into our sewing basket and forgot about it?† â€Å"One and the same. The location of the buried treasure is very far, but a few days by boat should get us there. Unfortunately, I’m too old to go on these types of expeditions. Forget it then.† said, Oddball. â€Å"Treasure? Real buried treasure? With pirate gold and jewels the size of frying pans?

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Emerging Trends in Training and Development in West Bengal Essay

The progressive labor force with dynamic management and responsive government and responsible society are the pillars of the tourism industry. 1 Issues and Constrains in Manpower Supply in Indian Hospitality Industry, P. Srinivas Subbarao, W. P. No. 2008-02-03 February 2008. 50 Traditionally, the employment has been seen as an area that is reactive to changes in the wide business environment. There is a widely accepted assumption that the role of people within organizations is required to change and develop in response to developments in markets, products and technology. Most of the large hospitality companies recognized this assumption and has started organizing work and support human resource functions such as training and development. This is possible only when the external labor market permits employers to adapt these changing dimensions. Human resource in hospitality industry – Supply side 2 Some of the services required in the tourism and hotel industries are highly personalized, and no amount of automation can substitute for personal service providers. Human resource development in the tourism industry normally includes manpower training in two main areas, the first being the hospitality and catering sector and the travel trade and tourism sector. 2 Issues and Constrains in Manpower Supply in Indian Hospitality Industry, P. Srinivas Subbarao, W. P. No. 2008-02-03 February 2008. 51 The hotel and catering sector is now highly personalized. Customer satisfaction is the prerequisite for a smooth and successful operation in the hotel industry, requiring professionally trained and highly skilled personnel. According to estimates of requirements for additional hotel rooms, the number of personnel who will need formal training in the hospitality and catering sector would increase by about 25 percent, from 16,000 to 20,000 people a year by 2010 end. The existing training facilities currently produce only about 5,000 to 6,000 trained personnel a year. Different types of jobs are available in the hospitality industry at different levels. The central government and the state governments have collaborated to provide resources in order to train people in the hospitality sector as part of overall development efforts. As per the survey the requirements for trained manpower at each level of employment would focus on general management trainees, trainees in kitchen management, housekeeping management, operational trainees, front office and accounting management, chefs, butlers, captains, bakery, confectionery and other specialized cooking. 52 Middle management positions would be filled by people holding three year diplomas, while other jobs could be filled by craft trainees. Craft institutes could be targeted for expansion in order to meet the needs for lower level skill areas. Working towards this objective, the Government run Institute at the Institute of Hotel Management at Kolkata has increased their seats. Human resources in Hospitality Industry – demand side In India there is a tremendous shortage of trained manpower in the hospitality sector. Tourism sector on an average requires more manpower than what is available from the catering colleges. Thus there need to develop required human resource in various segment of the tourism industry, as a consequence of the rapid growth in tourism, changing technology and markets both national and international level. By the very nature of tourism as a service industry, its efficient administration and successful operation depend largely on the quality of manpower. In the Asian and Pacific region, the shortage of skilled manpower poses a major threat to the overall 53 development of tourism. International tourism is a relatively new phenomenon and therefore the lack of managerial capability exists at all levels of the industry. In particular, the rapid expansion of hotels of an international standard in the region is creating a high level of demand for skilled and experienced staff. The nature of the decisions facing hotel management is continually expanding. For their business to remain competitive, managers must be skilful in many diverse areas. For instance, they must possess a good understanding of how current events and the economy affect the market and develop skill in marketing their products. They must also strive to keep up with the technological innovations in the operational side of the industry. As part of the service industry, tourism is labor intensive and generally requires well developed social and language skills in a cross cultural working environment. These demands have placed considerable strain on small, independent operators, who cannot rely on the broad management expertise available to their multinational hotel chain competitors. The availability of skilled and trained manpower is a crucial element in the successful long term development and sustainability of a tourist destination. In the 54 ultimate analysis, skilled and trained human resources will ensure the delivery of efficient, high quality service to visitors, which is a direct and visible element of a successful tourism product. High standards of service are particularly important in sustaining long term growth, since success as a tourist destination is determined not only by price competitiveness or the range of attractions available, but also by the quality of the services provided. Repeat visits, a vital factor in maintaining growth, will be deterred if standards of service do not meet expectations. 55 2. Link of Training and Development with Human Resource. 3 Training and Development helps in optimizing the utilization of human resource hat further helps the employee to achieve the organizational goals as well as their individual goals. On the other hand, Training and Development helps to provide an opportunity and broad structure for the development of human resources technical and behavioral skills in an organization. It also helps the employees in attaining personal growth. Training and Development plays a vital role in inculcating the sense of team work, team spirit, and inter team collaborations and inculcating the zeal to learn within the employees.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Heart Rate Essay

Introduction: Our bodies need to be in balance in order to function properly, and there are many ways the body maintains balance, or homeostasis. Homeostasis is the maintenance of nearly constant conditions in the internal environment. Our normal heart rate is an example of our body in homeostasis and any sort of change, or stimulus, can alter it. Exercise, adrenaline in the blood, and a low blood pH are all stimuli that increase the heart rate. Exercise, for example, stimulates stretch receptors in the muscles. These receptors then send a signal to a part of the brain called the medulla oblongata that receives the sensory input. It then in turn sends nerve impulses to the sinoatrial node in the heart. This node generates an impulse and initiates contraction of the heart at a quicker pace. Thus, the heart beats faster, which equals an increased heart rate. This is an example of a homeostasis imbalance. The heart reaches homeostasis again when exercise ceases and the heart rate drops down to its basal rate, or its rate at rest. This whole process is an example of a negative feedback cycle: a stimulus (increased heart rate) sends receptors to the control center (medulla oblongata), which then sends effectors (impulses by the vagus nerve, or the efferent pathway) to the heart to slow the heart contractions, thus reducing the heart rate and bringing it back to its basal rate. In our experiment we studied heart rate before and after a brief exercise session. Our hypothesis is exercise will increase the heart rate, and a negative feedback mechanism will occur to restore the heart rate back to its normal basal rate. Materials: Stop watch, metronome, stairs Methods: †¢Eight subjects took their own resting, or basal, heart rate for 15 seconds while standing up. Some subjects chose to take their heart rate at their carotid artery, and some took their pulse using their radial artery. This number was multiplied by 4 to get beats per minute. This is how all heart rate measurements were taken throughout the experiment. †¢Subjects did exercise session. They walked down 57 stairs and then back up those same 57 stairs for a total of 104 stair steps. This was done at a pace of 85 beats per minute. The whole session took 1 minute 45 seconds. †¢Subjects immediately took their heart rate after they completed the exercise. †¢After 1 minute of completing the exercise, subjects measured their heart rate again. This was done at 1 minute intervals for a total of 5 heart rate measurements after completing the exercise. †¢All together, subjects took 6 heart rate measurements: 1 before the exercise, and then 5 after the exercise. Data/Results: See attached graph and table. Conclusion/Discussion: The data shows that heart rate increases during and after exercise and begins to drop back down close to the basal rate after rest. The heart progressively decreases after each minute of rest. Our results show a negative feedback mechanism was used to control the heart rate after exercise. The increased heart rate stimulated the medulla oblongata which sent impulses to the sinoatrial node of the heart to slow down contractions and decrease the heart rate. Different subjects had differences in the time it took for their heart rate to drop after the exercise, but heart rate decreased nonetheless. Overall, our hypothesis was shown to be correct from the experiment. We chose the heart rate as our variable because it is easy to measure and gives clear results. We predicted that the heart would increase after a brief exercise session, and our results matched that prediction. As for other experiments, we could perform different activities or tasks and measure our hear t rate after those. We could even hold a serious/heated discussion and see if heart rate is affected in an intense conversation. There are many different things you could do to test heart rate, as exercise is just one example. Data: Each subject and their heart rate at certain time interval: SubjectBefore exercise0 minutes rest1 min. rest2 min. rest3 min. rest4 min. rest 1100 BPM120 BPM104 BPM104 BPM104 BPM104 BPM 2120160156156152148 37210076807672 47212080727272 596136124120100100 66812072727680 76011664646464 86816084888084 Summary statement: Heart rate increases during and after exercise and begins to drop back down close to the basal rate after rest. Citations Heart Rate Regulation in Humans. (2010, January 23). The Student Room. Retrieved August 24, 2013, from

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Italian Renaissance essays

The Italian Renaissance essays The ancestors of man were experimenting with art over 12 thousand years ago, paintings as far back as 15,000 to 10,000 BC have been found in caves. Our history of painting was slow to mature into the art we know and appreciate today. The most prolific period was the Renaissance period, with some of the best known masters being represented by this period. The Italian Renaissance was as the name implies the rebirth of painting. This does not imply that all the advances of painting came from this period but that the masters learned to combine new and old. The Italian artist Masaccio, was referred to by some as the father of Renaissance painting. Masaccio made notable advances in the styles of paintings such as perspective, space, and surrounding his subjects in light and air. Masaccio was the next great Italian painter after Giotto who died in 1337. Giotto who painted during the gothic period was able to display naturalistic human dramas and used characteristics with renaissance qualities. Some of these were showing figures as solid and weighty characters. Masaccio recognized what Giotto had initiated and brought it forward with other characteristics as previously mentioned. The other two artist who deserve recognition in the early part of the Italian renaissance are Brunilleschi and Donatello for their innovations in linear perspec tive in sculpture and architecture. An important scientific innovation by Masaccio was in the Holy Trinity with the Virgin and ST. John. The setting reveals a complete command of Brunelleschis new architecture and of scientific perspective. This barrel vaulted chamber is a place that the figures could move freely if they wished. For the first time in history, we are given all the needed data to measure the depth of this painted interior. We note that all the lines perpendicular to the picture plane converge upon a point below the foot of the cross, on the platform that supports the kneeli...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How the Star Spangled Banner Became the Anthem

How the Star Spangled Banner Became the Anthem On March 3, 1931, U.S. President Herbert Hoover signed an act that officially made The Star Spangled Banner the national anthem for the United States. Before this time, the United States had been without any national anthem. History of "The Star Spangled Banner" The words of The Star Spangled Banner were first written on September 14, 1814 by Francis Scott Key as a poem titled, The Defence of Fort McHenry. Key, a lawyer and an amateur poet, was being detained on a British warship during the British naval bombardment of Baltimores Fort McHenry during the War of 1812. When the bombardment subsided and Key witnessed that Fort McHenry was still flying its huge American flag, he began writing his poem. (Historical Note: This flag was truly huge! It measured 42 by 30 feet!) Key recommended that his poem be sung as a song to the popular British tune, To Anacreon in Heaven. It soon became known as The Star Spangled Banner. Becoming the National Anthem The Star Spangled Banner was published in a number of newspapers at the time, but by the Civil War it had become one of the most popular patriotic songs of the United States. By the late 19th century, The Star Spangled Banner had become the official song of the U.S. military, but it wasnt until 1931 that the United States made The Star Spangled Banner the official national anthem of the country. Believe It or Not Interestingly, it was Robert L. Ripley of Ripleys Believe It or Not! that spurred the interest of the American people to demand The Star Spangled Banner to become the official national anthem. On November 3, 1929, Ripley ran a panel in his syndicated cartoon stating that Believe It or Not, America has no national anthem. Americans were shocked and wrote five million letters to Congress demanding Congress proclaim a national anthem.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Micro12isa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Micro12isa - Essay Example This shows the boom period in which the minimum wage is increased because of which restaurants owners have to pay more to their waiters as well as it increases the cost of meals and would result in increase in unemployment. The demand and supply curve in the above graph show the impact of the taxes imposed by government on price and quantity demanded. In the above graph the Pe and Qe are the equilibrium price and quantity demanded respectively. Suppose the government imposed tax on any good and the amount of this tax is shared by both producers and the consumers as well. Supply curve shifts from S to S1 because of this tax as the producer desires to sell the good at higher prices in order to decrease the tax’s effect on him and this result in the increase in the price of the good from â€Å"Pe† to â€Å"Pt† as well as decrease in the quantity demanded â€Å"Qe† to â€Å"Qt.† Therefore from the graph we can conclude that if government imposes on any good it would result in decrease in the producer’s revenue, raises prices for consumers, and decreases the quantity of the good available in the market. Now let suppose the government put a tax on this product and also the demand curve is perfectly elastic then the supply curve shifts leftward that is the producer will decrease the supply of product because of which the producer’s surplus decreases and he will have to pay the tax. This we can in the graph given below. Apparently the producers seem to have little costs due to the drug being illegal so the trading does not include any taxation. However the usual cost includes cost of production, transportation, legal actions that may be taken at any step by law enforcing agencies in case of being caught. In case the contrabands are made legal, governments will impose taxation and duties on their trading due to their harmful effects. Such duties will decline the producer surplus and the part of their